Monday, September 4, 2023

Harley Race's Head Scissors

 I wish the video weren't so jumpy, but I do love to see Harley Race jump into a head scissors. This one's applied to the great Dory Funk. (If the video doesn't go directly to Race up in the air and locking his legs around Funk's head, you can jump to it at 35:44.)


Bill said...

Hey! You’re back!

Anonymous said...

Wow - what an action packed and hour-long match! You don’t see matches like this today. Regarding the head scissors by Race, I love how he initially puts him in it and then later gives Dory a couple good leg chops before applying the head scissors again! Thanks for sharing and keep posting when you get a chance.

Ringer said...

You can always tell when he's about to do that leg chop -- he presses Funk's left arm down to hold him in place. He also does this to Terry Funk in great solo match between the two of them, which you can find in my favorites playlist.