Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Since I began wrestling almost eighteen years ago, I've found that a good match can last me a few months. This is a good thing for me, as I live in an area where I've found few men to wrestle--many that I would love to wrestle but few that I can actually get my hands on. I've had a couple of good wrestling friends in the area, but both have eventually left to live and work in other places. So, like I said, when I can get a good match I can make it last for a few months.

But then I start getting this feeling that I have to wrestle or burst!

I had a good match this past summer with a friend I've wrestled a handful of times. He lives over four hours away, so opportunities to hook up with him don't come around but once every year or two. With six months in between that match and now, I'm starting to feel that bursting feeling in a big way.

I might have an opportunity to wrestle a match or two over the coming holidays, but nothing is arranged at the moment. Maybe a bit of blogging will help take the edge off. I've fallen woefully behind on this blog and need to catch up. I'll go back and look at where I got to in my chronicle of matches. Then, if I can remember what came next, I'll write about it.

I've probably lost the few readers I had in the past, but if I can get this up and running somewhat regularly again, maybe some are still out there and will come back. If anybody likes the site and would enjoy seeing your story appear here, I'll be glad to consider the idea of a guest blogger. I received a great email from one of my formerly local wrestling friends about a match he had recently. Maybe his very interesting story will appear here, if he's willing.

Happy holidays and happy wrestling to all!