Friday, January 16, 2015

Here's the second part of the match between Larry and Digger. Really fun to watch.

I myself haven't done any wrestling since meeting up with a good friend back in May, but I have a few things on the horizon. My friendly opponent from May and I talked about each posting our experience in that match, but then the busy summer and fall temporarily wiped that idea off the table. Maybe we should think about that again.

He also gave me a story of a match he had back in the spring, I believe, so I'll check with him to be sure I can post it.

This blog has been inactive for too long, and I hope to remedy that in 2015.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Here's a great video blast from the past. It's my good friend Larry up against Digger. Enjoy!

Larry and I have talked on the phone once or twice every year since we first met. But now we've discovered SKYPE (a bit behind the times, I know), and we're talking and seeing each other much more, which I think is just great.

More later, as I try to get warmed up to post more regularly here.