Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Wrestling on Tulsa Time

I left Denver and drove a long day to Wichita, Kansas, arriving on a rainy night and thinking about the BTK Strangler. It was kind of creepy, and it became even more so as I thought about what kind of position I put myself in when I meet a man like John (a previous post) either at home or in motel. I'm cautious to avoid spur-of-the-moment meetings, which don't happen very much anyway. I was a long, long time negotiating that match with John, and during our conversations I backed out more than once before I felt comfortable that he knew my interests and I could live--survive--with his. We take a lot of risks, I think, and although I don't wrestle primarily for the sex as some do, I can't help but wonder at the root of this drive to experience wrestling in the real world.

After a somewhat restless and stormy night, I drove on down to Tulsa, where I was to meet the Head Squeeze King. I looked forward to this match for a number of reasons, two of which are that HSQ and I are about the same size, which I always like, and that he is also into head holds (head scissors, headlocks). I had a feeling this was going to be a good one!

I arrived in the afternoon and got in touch with HSK, who is nothing like BTK, of course, and we got together and went to dinner (Mexican) first thing. We enjoyed our meals and our talk, and then we headed back to my motel for some wrestling. The room was ideal, with a large open space over which we spread padding before getting down to business.

The wrestling was a blast. HSK is fun to wrestle. He's talkative and expressive and playful. And true to my hopes, he loves to use a lot of head scissors holds. So, in addition to various other holds, particularly headlocks and body scissors, we had a head scissors fest.

HSK and I met again some years later in Nashville, where we both happened to be at the same time. Although he'd had some health issues that often come to men of a certain age, his love of wrestling and his personality in the match were undiminished.

HSK is one of very few wrestlers that I've met who is married and whose spouse knows about--even supports--the wrestling. I think HSK's case, this came about when the spouse had something that she found difficult to confess to her husband. But he was all right with it. This moment of vulnerability and gratitude between them led him to a counter-confession of his interest in wrestling. A mutual acceptance took place. An understanding that I envied as I drove out of Tulsa the next morning. I envy it still.

Wrestling II v. Tony Russo

I always enjoyed watching Wrestling II in the ring. And Tony Russo was my favorite jobber working in Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling back in the 1970s and '80s. (This particular match was part of a 1985 TBS show.) I liked Russo's look--a real fireplug, stocky and strong. He has his moments in control, of course, but he's best at making his opponents look good and really selling their holds (and his struggles) to the crowd.

If you're familiar with this blog, you know my affinity for--obsession with--the head scissors. This match has one of the best TV head scissors I've ever seen beginning at 2:12. Wrestling II locks it in tight and makes it look strong, and Russo sells it beautifully. I think what really gets me in this one is the camera work. The camera shoots from a nearly perfect angle and at just the right distance to let the wrestling fill the screen. In other words, it's not just a head trapped between legs, and it's not just legs wrapped around a head. Russo's face sells the hold as his belly breathes. Just great! Enjoy!

More writing about wrestling to come soon. Promise.