But I'm not thinking only about what I am today as a writer and a knowledgable human being. I'm also thinking about why I'm here, writing on this blog and imagining wrestling. Wrestling shows for a young man from a rural area in the 1970s came on only Saturday morning and Saturday night. Once wrestling became elevated to the status of an obsession, my hungry eyes and imagination were fed the other six days of the week through print: sometimes in the pages of wrestling magazines at the drugstore or anytime I could get a moment alone via the brief entry on wrestling in the last volume of the Compton's set ("WXYZ").
That wrestling entry featured a full page of black-and-white photos that pretended to portray the progress of a match between two young wrestlers (165-pound class), nine pictures from their ready position to the pin. Who knows how many times these pictures aroused me over those years when I was still at home? Who knows how many times I masturbated to the one wrestler's head-scissors-and-arm hold on his opponent? How many times until I destroyed them? Although I don't remember the exact event, I know that at some point, my heterosexual Christian guilt hit me so hard that between one moment of satisfaction and release and the next time I felt the need, I ripped the offending page out and threw it away or burned it . . . something.
But then, my cousin had the same Compton set (with different covers) and the same pictures in volume "WXYZ." So, I didn't lose all access to that B&W dream match completely, but such access became limited. Few were the opportunities afterwards to sit with those pictures and revel in the way they excited me.
And then, eventually, they were gone forever.
Well, maybe not forever. Given the amount of stuff that's out there on the internet, I eventually began looking around to learn if somebody similarly affected had uploaded that one beautiful page. But, believe it or not, I've never found it out in cyberspace. Not in the B&W flesh at least. Once I found simple line drawings of more or less the same images, but those didn't satisfy and, instead, made me remember the old pictures with an even greater sense of loss.

To cut this short, I remember standing above a box of various books, looking down at them while J, S, and I talked. Suddenly my eyes focused on a set of dark-bound books -- Compton's Encyclopedia. My breath caught, and I immediately bent down out of the conversation and grabbed "WXYZ." I got hold of my excitement and pretended to flip through casually past "World War I" and "World War II" and then to "Wrestling," expecting to see those line drawings. But there, beneath my eyes again after at least forty years, two lithe young men wrestled through nine B&W pictures. My response to seeing these was immediate and visceral.
I was breathless trying to figure out what to do, as I was sure that S wouldn't want this old -- but not antique -- set for the book sale. So, after holding the book for an inordinately long while, I put it back in the box and bided my time. Then, when J took S into the house to show him something, I quickly retrieved the book and used my phone to take pictures of those beloved pictures. I realized later that J and S might have seen me through the windows, but I was beyond caring. (I wouldn't mind having S ask me what I was doing, as I'd like to open up a wrestling conversation with him and then grapple with him in some grassy clearing off a mountain trail. But that specific image is a tale for another day.)

I suppose that as I grew to well over two hundred pounds, I lost interest in the 165-pound class, but I was still thrilled to see those fellows from long ago -- called Black and White, according to the color of their trunks. And I was particularly thrilled to see Black work White into that head-scissors-and-arm hold again.
I’m in late 50s and used to do the same; go through the encyclopedias like it was wrestling porn! (Very religious family too; would not let me watch wrestling on tv.) Pre-internet - what a different Time! Later in my late teens discovered wrestling magazines in the drug store. I was too shy at first to buy this wrestling porn, but worked up the nerve to buy a magazine with wrestlers embraced in a bear hug - wow! Over time I bought a few more, but still shy about it like it was a playboy magazine or something. Now with the internet let’s you find whatever you like, and it’s good to know there are lots of guys out there with similar interests. Thanks for sharing, and would like to hear more, including up to the present day.
Thanks for the great comment, WrestleFan. I imagine that for years, like me, you thought you were the only one who responded to wrestling in this way. Our experience with the encyclopedia and the drug store magazine racks is exactly the same, except that the hold I was looking for in all those pages was the head scissors. What a revelation it was to be in my mid 30s and working on my masters degree when one day in the library, I went to the wrestling section - in GV, I think, which I'd added the encyclopedia and magazine rack - and discover that somebody had razored out the head scissors pictures. Somebody was out there who was just like me. . . . I'll respond at more length as soon as I can. In the meantime, I invite you to browse through my blog to learn more about my experiences since the drug stores days.
OMG Yes - I spent my puberty years looking at these two men and imagining the wild sex they would have after the match with Black owning White on every level - physical, emotional, mental and sexual lol. This was my porn. Compton Encyclopedia. 1970s
That headscissors pic is one of the hottest ever headscissors pictures :) Complete ownership. Squeeze those legs on White's head. White is choking on Black's inner thigh and the pressure is tight on those temples. His world is closing in and that bulge is visible in the whitey tighties lol.
We've connected, "Unknown"! What a shared experience with these pictures. As you say, "This was my porn" too. Nothing turned me on as much. And even though I prefer my wrestlers to be big guys, the head scissors shot Compton's included remains my favorite of all time. It's terrifically hot for one reason, and its status as "my first" is probably another. . . . I'm glad you reached out with a comment.
Hi Ringer, are you still around wrestling or blogging? Haven’t seen anything new in over a year. Hope all is well.
I'm still here, my friend. Thanks for checking. Life has been crazy here, as I'm sure it is wherever you are. I'll try to get a new post or two up soon, so please keep checking. I've actually been thinking about it lately, so your timing is perfect. If you have any requests for post topics you'd like to see, then feel free to send those along.
Be well.
Hi Ringer, yes it’s been crazy with this COVID thing. I retired a while back and fortunately don’t have to travel for work now after years of being a road warrior, where I’d occasionally meet someone to wrestle; just for fun - not too serious, nor planned in advance like you did. Can’t imagine traveling right now with this pandemic. Just curious if you’re still wrestling (kind of hard keeping social distance! LOL!) and in general wanted to know more about your story present-day (as well as continuing on from where you left off) as it’s similar in ways to mine, although I’m partnered (male) and not married, active in Church etc. Today it’s mostly watching YouTube or other clips, blogger posts on wrestling etc. Thanks.
Hey Ringer, are you still there? Haven’t seen any updates in a couple years. Hope all is well.
Hey, I'm still here. Not much wrestling -- well, not any wrestling -- since the March 2020 lockdown. Lots of thinking about wrestling, of course. Lots of watching wrestling videos as well.
Thanks for checking on me. I need to do a new post soon. I've got matches to get caught up on . . . if I can still remember when they were and who they were with.
Hey there, Anonymous, are you still out there? I was just looking at your post from 7/27/2020 and realized that I didn't respond directly. We seem similar in some ways, as you suggested. I'd be happy to share more of my story, if you're still interested.
It would be fascinating to know how many of us were captivated by that particular encyclopedia edition. After seeing that photo growing up, I constantly fantasized of applying a headscissor in the same position.
Anonymous, that would be something to know, especially now that I know it wasn't just me who loved this head scissors pic and fantasized about it. I think I might post some screen shots of wrestlers using this head scissors variation. Stay tuned for that.
And, I'm happy to say that in my own wrestling, I've been able to apply this head scissors a number of times. What an awesome feeling when memory, fantasy, and reality come together like that.
I look forward to seeing those screen shots! Also, curious to hear about the times you have applied that variation.
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