These days I fall asleep more easily than I have at any point in my adult life. We're talking minutes, sometimes even seconds, I think. Fifteen years ago, I'd lie awake at night for an hour or more before falling asleep. Maybe it's my age. Maybe it's the work I do now. Maybe it's something else.
But the sleep pattern after that isn't ideal. When I initially fall asleep, I'll be out for two or three hours, and then I wake up. Sometimes I have to pee. Sometimes I have to take some heartburn meds. Sometimes I just wake up for no apparent reason. Usually I don't have much of a problem going back to sleep, but the remainder of the night I'll be up and down every hour or so, which gets annoying. Sometimes, however, I'm up for an hour or two in the deep watches of the night.
What do I do when I'm awake? Most times I just lie there and wait for the return of sleep. But sometimes I read or watch TV. I discovered recently that ESPN-Classic has AWA Wrestling on from 1:00-2:00 in the morning. These are television shows from the 1980s, and while they aren't as good as show from 10, 20 or 30 years earlier, they're far better than what's on these days.
I didn't mean to write about that kind of wrestling in this post.
I don't think that I'm particularly troubled by anything. But then again. . . . Love (and the absence thereof) and death (and the looming nature thereof) and sex (and the absence thereof) and sexuality (and the fluid nature thereof) and taxes (and the taxing nature thereof). Rock-and-roll and wrestling. Work. The mind that should write but won't or can't.
You are far better than I, for I know when my head hits the pillow it's lights out until the age guarantees I will sleep until dawn. Therefore I 'tape' AWA CLassics every night, watch in the early morning before I leave for work, maybe save one or two matches a week, from my childhood or fantasy wrestler appears on the card...
So when you are lying awake, watching AWA, know that your colleauge is watching as well, but that I've had my get yours.
I'll remember that, GrizzMO. When I'm awake, I'll know that you're watching too. It's a neat thought. Sometimes I find a match I'm interested in, but because most of the shows come from the mid to late '80s, I don't find too many. The earlier the better, as far as I'm concerned.
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