Monday, January 21, 2008

This powerhouse is working me over! How can I apply a good scissors hold when my legs are cramping up after something like this?


Anonymous said...

Hey Ringer, I've been reading your article for a while and share many of your same thoughts and feelings about the matter. I am married with a child and attend church regularly and struggle with the issue of enjoying wrestling. I live in was wondering if you would be interested in meeting for a match?

Ringer said...

Sorry, but I missed your "live in" somehow. Where are you? If it's geographically possible, I'd be interested in meeting for a match.

And thanks for reading! You can contact me at

Anonymous said...

You need practice...get the jump on that ole Tennessee grappler, and take it to him...he's a tough guy, burly, and a bit cocky...I know.
you train w/ me - and he'll be singing a different tune.


Ringer said...

Too bad you're so far away, Grizz. I'd enjoy practicing with you.

Ringer said...

Got your email, "Anonymous," and sent one back to you.

Anonymous said...

C'mon, Grizz, why use Ringer as a front man? You need to just come to Tennessee yourself, and we'll see just who is teaching who a different song.