Saturday, July 16, 2022

Uncle Bill's Nipple

A significant part of my wrestling obsession is an accompanying obsession with heavyset men with bellies.

Not grossly obese men. Not men with fat tires around their waists. Not men with hanging bellies that make them look for all the world as if they’re pregnant. Not men with flabby breasts that lay flaccid atop their bellies. Not men whose breasts seem only the wall of their chests with nipples painted on them.

No, some apparent muscle in the breasts seems necessary. Some apparent muscle in the belly—“table muscle”—seems necessary as well. The belly must have some contour and not appear carried like a bag.

Whence this obsession? This desire even?

One of the oldest images in my mind is of a morning in my grandparents’ house. The dining room table is covered with breakfast—plates of biscuits and bacon, bowls of gravy, cups of coffee, dishes of butter and jelly. I’m under ten years old, but I can’t be more accurate than that. I walk into the dining room, perhaps having just gotten out of bed. I come to the edge of the table, closest to where my uncle Bill sits. He has wavy red hair on a round head, a clean-shaven face often red from laughter. He is shirtless, and for whatever reason, his nipples are hard and large. Beneath them, his strong belly balloons partway out over his thighs. Maybe he’s wearing khaki trousers and is barefooted. Again, I’m not big, but I must stand tall enough that I’m at least a head above his shoulders as he’s seated, maybe even a head (or almost a head) above his head. Whichever the case, I’m able to look down at the table and move my gaze back and forth from the delicious food on his plate to his naked upper body without having to move my neck or change the position of my head.

I can’t recall seeing my father or other uncles without at least their undershirts on. Was Uncle Bill’s the first naked man’s body—partially naked, at least—that I’d been close to and able to observe closely, if covertly, in my life? I have little or no interest in men’s genitals, but their shoulders and breasts and bellies captivate my attention—if they have the look.

Did this moment next to Uncle Bill contribute to my obsession with wrestling—pro wrestling in particular? I don’t like all the clothes that amateur wrestlers wear. I don’t like when pro wrestlers wear anything on their upper bodies, even if it’s just a singlet with a single shoulder strap. I don’t care for wrestlers who have thin physiques (think Greg Gagne). I don’t care for wrestlers who are heavily muscled (think Lex Luger or Randy Savage) and seem more like bodybuilders—unless they also have a belly I like.

Now and then, Uncle Bill’s nipple pops into my mind, and I wonder if it—and that moment of seeing it—have had some influence on my erotic personality and interests.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

So, friends, from Compton's Encyclopedia, this is the head scissors that so many of us are turned on by.

Some years ago, I met one of my favorite opponents for the first time in the basement of an old middle school. Upstairs a basketball game was going on. I met this big man outside the game. He worked at the school, which was near where I live, and he guided me through the dark to a back entrance. We stripped down to our trunks and wrestled. At one point I had him in a head scissors like Bockwinkle and Race begin with below. And suddenly the image of this old Compton's head scissors came to mind, and I could immediately envision how to switch from my standard head scissors to this luscious one from the encyclopedia. I said to my guy, "Hang on, I'm gonna try something." And I made the switch, natural as you please. Man, did my body thrill at finally being able to feel what I'd looked at and fantasized about for so long! 

Here it is as applied by Gene Kiniski on Giant Baba. Unlike the other holds below, in which the wrester in charge makes a quick switch from a standard head scissors to the "head scissors and arm hold," watch Kiniski go straight to the hold.

Hey, ref, how 'bout you get out of the dang way?!

Harley Race v. Terry Funk
Race's version of the hold is elevated, rather than lying heavily on Funk's body like the other holds depicted here.
Watch Race make the switch, which is done here slowly enough so that we can see how the grip with his legs changes from one version to the next.

Below is the head scissors in a match between Warren Bockwinkle and Wilbur Snyder. I think it might be my favorite, although the Race/Funk version is darn hot.

Watch this to see how Bockwinkle makes the switch between the two head scissors versions. I'm guessing that this is how the head scissors in Compton's developed. Although I suppose Black in the picture could have put White directly into the hold like Kiniski does Baba above.

Don't you wish we had a video of the Compton's Match?

I don't want to spoil anybody's MvM fun, but if you're into female wrestlers . . .

She's got it going on!


Monday, January 3, 2022

The Head Scissors and Johnny Weaver

I'll not say anything about being away and just be back without further comment (but with a hope that somebody is still out there reading).

At times when I need to be accomplishing the most, I procrastinate too often by scouring YouTube wrestling videos in search of any head scissors holds that matches might include. I've found a lot, but I've wasted a lot of time as well.

This morning, I was going through some old shows of the wrestling program I grew up watching--Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. Back in the day, in pre-cable times, I could watch this once on Channel 4 out of Greenville, SC, after Saturday morning cartoons and before Saturday afternoon college sports. Then I could see it a second time that night, after the 11 o'clock news on Channel 13 out of Asheville, NC. I watched both shows always in hopes of seeing a head scissors and always in hopes of seeing my favorite wrester--Johnny Weaver. So, again, I was going through some Mid-Atlantic shows from 1981 and '82, and this one show just opened with the first match already in progress. Not only that, it opened with a head scissors already in progress. It gets better. Although I didn't remember the wrestler in control at that point in the match (I later learned his name was Ken Timbs), I quickly realized that the wrestler being worked over by the head scissors was Johnny Weaver.

Here's a screenshot of the match as it's picked up in progress:

I was immediately excited.

Weaver then rolls toward Timbs's feet and then onto his knees and works himself free of the hold. He lunges to take Timbs in a headlock, the counter to which puts him right back in the head scissors.

But then this shot of Weaver in the head scissors and looking, more or less, at the camera--at me--made my insides squirm and my crotch suddenly throb. Although brief in the video, this is such a visceral image for me.

Reader, I masturbated.

I've had these images up on my screen almost all day, and the throbbing has continued.