Wow! I was shocked when I opened up my blog and noticed that it has been almost a full year since my last post. That's way out of line. I know that I had some readers at one point, but I'm afraid they'll all be gone now. Still, I want to return to posting regularly--ideally once a week, but no fewer than once a month. Maybe some readers will rediscover the blog and come back. I've had some great responses in the past, and one of them actually led to my meeting a local wrestler with whom I've wrestled some of my favorite matches. We first got together just a little over a year ago, and we've wrestled several times since then. (More on him later.) So, the blog has been important to my wrestling life, and I want to rev it up once again.
Youtube continues to be a great resource. When I was young in the '70s--living in Appalachia before cable TV--I used to wait for noon on Saturday when wrestling would hit the airwaves. Once a week. No videotaping either! Now, I can sit at the computer--for hours if I want to--and watch wrestling from all over the world and from its great past. (As you can see, I'm still into the head scissors!)
I plan to do some traveling this year, and I hope those travels will include some wrestling with old friends and maybe some new ones as well.
I'll pick up my wrestling history within the week, or I might post about a new wrestling experience. I've been hoping for one since this past Thursday, but it hasn't materialized yet. Maybe tomorrow or Monday? I'll let you know.