Friday, March 16, 2007

Bill Hughes

On Tuesday I received from my friend Larry a message telling me that the great Bill "Ironcross" Hughes is dead. (The Ironcross was his signature hold.) I never met Bill in person, but he and I corresponded off and on for the last few years. I always enjoyed hearing from him and learning about the old days when he was a professional wrestler. The story goes, as I recall, that he grew up in the UK and became a pro at a young age. After traveling all over the world, he settled in southern California. There he opened a gym and kept wrestling, teaching younger men, such as Larry, the game.

Bill and I had been out of touch for a little while when I sent him a New Year's greeting and the link to this blog. The response I received was so very Billish:

[m***]- FIRST, hAPPY nEW yEAR MATE! SECOND- MANY MANY THANKS for the blog you post- as good, clear and honest as any i have read. maybe as you know from my web site, i am a former pro rasler from Europe, now live in Long beach California. i am from Wales, UK, my dad and uncles pro rasler, old style, and my earliest me,mories are watching rasling, and i swear at age 5 i got hard! at 14 i went to London to learn the *trade* ar Bert Assirati*s rasling *academy*- happiest 18 months of me life. turned pro at 16 and rasled Europe, Australia, Japan, India, Canada and the States. you put the fascination as good as i could- loe it as much as i ever did, and like you my gave holds are also the head sciussors, the figurte 4 head scissors especially ( i remember when i w asa kid in Wales seeing my uncle Billy rasle this bigger beefy stud, big meaty thighs,. and Billy went a long tome before he was exausted, and then the stud had his way with him,. and Billy wouldnt quit- and the crowd loved it! he also had this great head scissors,m and loved etting Billys head in therte, his face against his sweaty crotch, and grinding it in- and Billy finally qui, but the stud decked him again, pinned his arms above his head, mountged his face and dry fucked his face, the ef *trying* to get him off and the crowd going apeshit!!! still locked in my memory! today i am rasling a German rasler, former pro like me- Nazi, brutal stud, we have rasled *grudge* matches, for stakes, for over 14 years now! always about two houirs of hot rasling, then an hour after the winner is decided for some hot man to man action. you*d love it! love to see more of you mate- and i have some great pics, not in my web site which is for fans and kiddies !- love to send toyiou mate, and sure love to hear more from ya!!!! BILL